Barcode: 6430042460229
The number in the box: 24 can
The gross mass of the box: 12
Volume banks: 425 ml
Barcode: 6430042460267
The gross mass of the box: 10,36
Barcode: 6430042460236
Barcode: 6430042460243
Barcode: 6430042460250
Barcode: 6430042460274
Barcode: 6430042460410
The number in the box: 12 Jars
The gross mass of the box: 7
Volume banks: 370 ml
Barcode: 6430042460380
The gross mass of the box: 7,66
Barcode: 6430042462131
The gross mass of the box: 11
Volume banks: 580 ml
Barcode: 6430042462117
The number in the box: 6 can
The gross mass of the box: 18,5
Volume banks: 3100 ml