
ПрThe priority direction of the company's activity is the sales of products through all distribution channels. That is why our main partners are distribution companies, as well as chain stores and large wholesalers. We are always ready for a new partnership agreement with a distributor in certain regions.

Advantages of creating a distribution with Hagris Group Oy:

·         fulfillment of obligations (European warranty on all services);

·         territorial exclusivity (one partnership per region);

·         minimal pricing;

·         search for optimal logistics solutions for each region;

·         wide range in this product segment;

·         elaborated marketing strategy for each region.

The principle of exclusivity and longtermness is basic when creating a distribution and operating on the market of specific country or region. Our partners are confident in their future and in our obligations.

Hagris Group Oy is committed to the promotion of its products and the interests of distributors.  For them we prepare the most favorable price offers, develop and implement specific marketing strategy for each region. Because of this, our products are rapidly occupying the market outlet and we leaders in sales. As a result our company gets a solid turnover of products and our partners - additional revenue.

If you want to become our distributor-partner and start a long-term cooperation on mutually beneficial terms, please fill in the form "Become a distributor."

We take any request for cooperation very seriously.

Distributors in your area: